3 ways to know what users of a brand are looking for on social networks

Today more than ever, being relevant to the consumer is a priority for marketers and marketing in general. The fact of optimizing different strategies and tactics only responds to one situation: getting noticed and winning the market. Although the digital path has become the main route to reach users, it can also be easy to do other types of more strategic actions, focused on the basics.The challenge is to know what kind of digital and offline tasks can be part of the bet. The truth is that social media work has become a key component of current marketing campaigns. According to Hootsuite, in 2018 social media ad revenue was estimated to be $ 51.3 billion. For its part, the CMO Survey indicates that, by 2023, investment by companies in social media advertising will represent 18.5 percent of total spending on their marketing efforts.Thus, the Senegal Mobile Database implementation of social networks such as Facebook (the most used platform in the world), Twitter (which has been maintained after more than 10 years of existence) or recently Instagram (the social network with the greatest projection in the media market today) in marketing strategies has become a basic necessity.To a greater extent, it responds to the trend of users and consumers, who use social networks to discover a way to establish contact with businesses, companies and personalities through different functions. The interaction is immediate and fleeting, so they see an area of ​​opportunity for communication around different needs: questions, complaints, reports, etc.

Thus, the importance of social media to highlight a particular firm is undeniable. In markets like the United States, at least 78 percent of consumers have discovered products from the interaction on this platform. For this reason, brand management continues to be crucial to promote interaction in these types of spaces.To maintain relevance, there are new processes that today impact the result of marketing strategies, especially the use of the technological field, which has been one of the most widely used by marketers. Resources such as Machine learning , Big Data and optimization of social networks rethink the way to make and execute different strategies.What processes to optimize?The role that strategy plays in knowing what the audience is asking Brother Cell Phone List for is fundamental. Beyond creativity, having a knowledge tactic helps to better know what users are asking for.At the same time, according to a recommendation from Social Bakers, there are at least three points where it is necessary to optimize the work that is carried out.Social media analytics helps track the days and times when posts receive the most interactions from users. Based on the data that has been collected, the correct publishing times can be determined and more importantly, what type of content had the best response.However, there are some variables to consider when compiling such data. This can be whether you are posting on different topics or using different formats, which can also influence the way interactions unfold. What is certain is that tracking this data can be useful to consolidate and look for patterns of greater interaction.

For example, video content may perform better on Facebook than an image or status posted at the same time or day of the week.A / B testing is a great way to get an overview and idea of ​​how your audience responds to content. After choosing a variable and trying different intervals, you can find out which one works best.The best thing is that this concept can be applied to almost anything: in the copies , in the type of content as such, in the times and frequency of publication, etc. Any content strategy that can implement these tests will perform better.The rule of thumb is not to test too many variables at the same time, as the data will be confusing. Ideally, keep your tests separate so that the results you get are clear and practical.Target audience analysis is the investigation of the demographics within a group: language, age, gender, preferences, goals, and other metrics. It helps discover who the audience is for a social media page, fostering a way to figure out how to target it.When this section is completed, doing an analysis of the audience will be essential to be able to have other types of benefits, such as reducing costs and outperforming the competition. Finally, this information is necessary to publish relevant and attractive content, in addition to explaining when the users of that group are active.It also helps you fill in the gaps left when strategizing. Especially when you don’t know if you’re publishing at an optimal time for your business. If you’re not careful, the content won’t work the way it should.

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