You have to go back to 2009 or 2010 to think about 3G connections. In fact, commercial networks of this kind had existed for quite some time. The first emerged in 2001 , but it was not until the end of that decade that their use became popular. The reason was simple. The network was available but there was no means to use it. Smartphones were missing or, rather, their popularization.
The situation in 2009-2010 was just the opposite of the current one. Now 5G technology is available in a wide catalog of smartphones for sale, but the deployment of antennas and nodes takes time. At that time, the 3G networks were in operation, but the devices had not reached the general public .
PDAs already used this type of connectivity and some smartphones did too, but the arrival of the iPhone 3G (2008) marked the beginning of expansion.
This big jump didn’t always look like this in those moments.
Probably the most forward thinking and fascinating imaginations came from people related to the telecommunications industry. But it was still a part of society, that of pioneers and connoisseurs in the field, who imagined the future. And it was done with names and surnames. Japan Email List The first step would be 4G and then 5G would come , which would be the true high jump.
when only 3G existed: from imagination to reality
Throughout all these years, since 3G began to hit the streets, there have been a number of transformations. Elena de Arrieta, Communication Director of the Spanish Association for Digitization (DigitalES), talks about “important changes in our personal and professional routines”.
Among the changes that have occurred, the DigitalES spokesperson highlights “a normalization of immediacy in access to information and bidirectionality in relations between users and companies or institutions .” And he adds another aspect: “Now there is the preponderance of software over hardware, which offers us a ubiquity of information and many of the computer services that we use daily.”
In his opinion, the great improvements of 5G will come from its more efficient use of the radioelectric spectrum. The increase in bandwidth, both download and upload, will make a notable difference.
De Arrieta acknowledges that one of the aspects where the qualitative leap will be most noticeable will be in the viewing of videos . Not surprisingly, 3G was the basic Internet connection. It was with 4G when the consumption of audiovisual content on mobile phones exploded. With 5G, this trend is set to continue along the same lines . However, the resolution may be higher and will give way to new types of images, such as virtual reality.
Opening the door to the Internet of things
The video will be just one of the big jumps. From Arrieta a question arises that probably those who were at the heart of the industry reflected in the days of 3G: “What if a 5G mobile could act as an ‘intelligence’ mobile lead node in a sensorized environment?”, He asks. “Just as nowadays we can use a smartwatch and check our heart rate or the distance traveled from a mobile app, it may be that in the near future we can analyze information from any object that surrounds us .
The concept of mobile has evolved at a frenetic pace in recent years.The panorama has turned around since 2011. At that time, more than 90% of Internet consumption was made from laptops and desktops, according to StatCounter. The same firm indicates that now mobiles cover 55% and computers 43%. I
With 5G, the role of the smartphone is set to vary even more.
“ 5G is going to be the key lever of the Internet of Things . The usual thing is that users consume data and, to a lesser extent, we generate new data, ”says de Arrieta.