7 examples of videos to improve your content

Video marketing has become a fundamental part of many of today’s marketing and communication strategies. Most brands bet on it to attract the attention of their users and potential buyers to create a perfect brand image, but many times it is only that. We do not know how to take full advantage of it and see that if you make a good video with a specific objective, you can go much further.

It is essential to know what type of video to choose when creating content, launching a new campaign or giving a boost to a brand that seems to be stationary  阿富汗电话号码表. But… What kind of videos can help us and support us in our content?

A one-minute video expresses, on average, the same as an essay of almost two million words.

First of all, you have to be aware of something. One of the goals of video is to convert. Make that user have the need to use the product or buy it. Video is a great way to increase your conversion rate.

7 types of videos that will help you support the content
Explanatory video
They are short videos that are basically used to explain the use of a product or service of a company. Its main function is for the user to understand by heart how something works and give the solution to that problem in a few minutes without having to get too complicated.

It is said that by using an explanatory video in content, conversion rates grow up to 144% compared to other types of content that go without that video.

A good example of the use of explanatory video is done by Spottily. Although it seems that everyone knows how to use it, it is not like that, and that is why it summarizes in brief images how to get the most out of this platform.

On the one hand, Dollar Shave Club, a very well structured explanatory video that begins with a brief description of the service, then introduces you to the problem, the characteristics of the product, how easy it is to forget to buy it, and ends with giving the solution to your problems.

Another good example is Potpourri , which perfectly shows how an explanatory video doesn’t have to be boring. It makes a product that is embarrassing to buy, become the real protagonist with a different and intelligent tone of humor.

Demonstration video
If you’re looking to explain a specific part of a product or service , this is the type of video to use. It is about breaking the video into small pieces of about 20-60 seconds in length. An example of the simplest and where it shows you in a few seconds how easy it is to access a discount shopping platform, is Group on. It goes straight and to the point 移动线索. Start your video with a value proposition, and then without you barely realizing it, it turns you into a wake-up call to act and buy on its website, because in addition to being easy, you will enjoy the best discounts.

If you are looking for a different way to present your company in a few words … Why not choose a video? It is a good way for your potential clients to know who you are inside and out. Video in this sense is a way of showing yourself transparent, direct, from you to you and with confidence.

Testimonial videos
Word of mouth works a lot, so … Why not show the face of one of your satisfied customers to show the advantages of your product or service? A potential customer can be born from the recommendation of a loyal customer. Of course, be careful with the type of testimonials. Make sure they are fun, different and above all, not forced.

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