It is very likely that you have heard about the importance, Bolivia Email Address To solve your doubts, in this post I tell you what indexing is, how to promote it, how to measure its frequency and how to detect possible problems.
Read on and get your page showing up in search engines in seconds.
What is indexing or indexing?
If you are looking for the definition of the word indexing in the RAE, the second meaning that appears defines it as:
“To register data and information in an orderly fashion to create its index.” When this definition is transferred to the digital scene, there is no other index clearer than the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page), that is, the search engine results pages.
. This is something very positive, because it generates visits to your website and, therefore, options to generate conversions and sales . Thus, indexing is a fundamental aspect that you should always keep in mind.
So what is indexing or indexing?
Thus, to the question “what is indexing”, we can answer that it is the action by which Google’s crawling robots (or bots) find our content, our site, and register it in their databases for later and when someone searches for information, position it in the results pages.
In this way, when a user makes a query (“how to make a cake”, for example), the search engine only has to go to the part of the index related to it to later position it according to its algorithm.
How to help the indexing of your site indexing or indexing?
. mobi lelead But you can’t just leave everything in the hands of Google, you can also help it in its “mission” of crawling and indexing all your content with the creation of a sitemap, among other things.
Constantly updated
. You will earn it little by little as you keep up with the publication rate.
Don’t be short of internal links
Don’t be afraid to.
You also have to take into strategy because this will help Google robots to follow which pages should be connected, which will help web I leave you some tips to keep in mind when developing a link strategy.
All does not define indexing in itself, but it ensures that once everything is well implemented, it helps in the search engines and it achieves
Create sitemaps
Having one of these files will greatly facilitate Google’s indexing and traceability work,
so I recommend that you have one, especially if your website has many URLs. You can create it with options like:
- WordPress . As I said, you can install a plugin, like (free), that creates a sitemap automatically.
- Screaming Frog . It is a tool that can help you create it quickly and easily. You simply have to download the .xml file that is generated and upload it to the FTP of your domain. You will need a bit of technical knowledge to set it up.
- Manual . If you have a little more experience and technical knowledge, I do not recommend it, because the other tools do it automatically and they are enough for it to work correctly. But if you’re curious and have the time and resources to do it, go ahead!