When we are going to request a web budget from a web design or digital marketing agency, it is essential that you take into account a series of considerations. Because the online world is somewhat complex for those who do not work professionally in it, it is important to have some knowledge about what it means to design and develop a website . Chile Email List And above all, what type of online project we want to start. Let’s see it!
If you want to continue preparing the ground to make the work of the web designer and developer easier, you will need to get a little more involved.
You have two options:
- Create a simple document explaining the above points in a web request for proposal (a Request for proposal, spoken in English). It is a personalized request with which you initiate communication with whoever is going to make you the web.
- Create a functional document , a little more technical, that explains what the web page will carry.
Previous research before requesting a web quote
It is important to do a previous work or, at least, a brief investigation, before requesting a web budget so as not to find surprises, deception or misunderstandings .
If we know what we are looking for and slightly understand the procedure to launch it, we will make sure that what they are budgeting for us is what we need for the website to be commercially effective.
Just as when we want to start the activity of a new business and set up a company they ask us for data, documents and what the characteristics of the business are, to make a web page from scratch or update it it is necessary to transmit some information. Even if it’s in your own words.
You will need to convey what the purpose of your website is and what objectives you propose with it : sell products as an online store, consolidate the brand image with a portfolio, generate more income or improve market positioning with an online catalog, etc.
So, to begin with, be clear about the following:
- If you are thinking of making a website for your new business or redesigning the one you already have, before hiring web development you need to know, broadly speaking, a series of questions (we will tell you which ones later).
- Having these specifications will allow us to have a clearer vision of what the web should have.
- It is about correctly planning the strategy before launching into development.
What do you need before making a website for your company?
The first thing, as we have indicated, is to inform you. On the internet you will find numerous articles on what to consider when mobile lead asking for a web budget, how to create a website with WordPress or what hosting to hire, etc.
Yes, we know, there are many things. But, first of all, these are the steps you must follow to assess a web budget and for the other party to take your proposal seriously. Write down!
1. Explain your needs
At the level of web design and development, it does not cost the same work to make a simple corporate website, with a merely face-to-face pretense, as an online store.
It provides all the details at the business level of what is needed: an online store, a contact page, a website with different languages with international projection
- What kind of website do you want? As much detail as possible about what you want to offer is important. For example, if your business is a clothing store: Do you want to sell online or simply have a product catalog? Do you want to have a subscription service to send your product every month in exchange for a recurring payment?
- Who are you targeting, that is, what is your target audience like? Imagine a real person who represents your ideal client. Talk to the very important so that the user experience adjusts to the profile of the potential client.
- What is your value proposition? :
- What is your main objective? Why do you want to make the website? Think about what you want to achieve with it. For example: enhance the brand by improving its online visibility, sell X products, get leads (contacts) so that the sales team can contact them, expand the database of potential customers .
- Take a look at what your competition does: if you have a reference in mind, it will be much easier for you to understand these types of questions. Because if you want to sell X products to the same customers as X online store, you will see, for example, what tone they use in their texts or how they classify their products.