A microbe that has no negative effect on mosquitoes could curb malaria after research in Kenya.
According to UNICEF , malaria kills around 800,000 people a year , almost 90% of these deaths occur in Africa . It is not surprising the great efforts that science invests in combating this disease.
. However, it now appears that a group of scientists Comoros Email Address has discovered a microbe that can accelerate the solution to malaria. Nature, always there to help us.
discover a microbe that blocks the malaria parasite in mosquitoes
An investigation in Lake Victoria in Kenya concluded that .
“Healthy insects often have microbial symbionts within their bodies and cells , which can have important effects on the biology of their hosts,” explains Jeremy Herren , director of the study and ICIPE.
hat blocks the malaria parasite in mosquitoes
In addition, one of the aspects of the research that most mobile lead surprised the scientists during the study was to see how the microbe is transmitted from mother mosquitoes to their young .parasite in mosquitoes
The next months and years of research will go through that branch. How to allow the spread of symbionts?
We will have to wait for the next malaria transmission seasons.