‘Drone’ is one of the most used terms in the media lately. Some speak of flying taxis, medicine, and parcel delivery, the profession of the future. But what are drones really and how do they position themselves in our society? Serbia Email List As we have commented throughout the article, mainly 2 facts will make these statements possible: that the regulatory framework continues to develop and that the sector is professionalized, offering and guaranteeing services with a quality seal.
Obviously, this situation is not the result of chance. Drones offer innumerable advantages, such as the reduction of costs and work times, the improvement of the efficiency and quality of the service, or the reduction of occupational risks for workers, such as, for example, when carrying out a large industrial inspection. height. We can benefit from this technology in all aspects.
Why is it Necessary to Professionalize the Drone Sector?
Drones are the best ally of companies, but it is important to find the right professional. We are talking about sectors and applications as diverse as precision agriculture, industrial inspections, security, and emergencies. As in any profession, the most important thing is the experience of the person doing the job. Therefore, the ease of obtaining certain equipment should not be confused with the skills necessary to
Drones are considered aircraft, and as aircraft, they have to comply with a special regime and regulations.
This is one of the reasons why NET2FLY was born, a young startup accelerated by Open Future in this ecosystem that brings together, manages and brings the integration of drones closer to all users, both companies and individuals. This is done by verifying the competencies, skills, and experience of the p In this way, you not only get quality service but also help the sector to professionalize
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These figures undoubtedly point towards the development of the sector and show that, following aeronautical procedures, it is possible to carry out more and more operations with drones simultaneously and in parallel with the flight of other aircraft such as helicopters that fly at a lower height. For example, roof and roof inspections are traditionally carried out through a crane that blocks the street. The problem is that you can’t always do it, as it may have rained, be tilted, or just. However, through drones we can fly over buildings and structures capturing much more information, reducing the danger of the operation. NET2FLY has been working for months with the main home and ship insurers in the sector.