A la Netflix: Layla San sores uses Lady’s Gambit for his next debate

No one saw it coming. While it is true that electoral campaigns are the opportunity for candidates to display the most creative political marketing strategies to promote themselves, sometimes decisions are not the best alternatives. Such is the case of what happened to the candidate of the National Regeneration Movement party: Monera, Layla San sores, who saw fit to use a popular series on the streaming platform, Netflix, specifically the series Gambit de Dana, which It has earned him the Criticism of some users on social networks.

This Friday will be the debate for the candidates for the governor of Camper, where the seven candidates will participate to give their campaign proposals and thereby seduce the electorate by their vote.

As is natural in campaign times, the candidates began to advertise their participation on their social networks. However, one of the participants stood out for her curious propaganda.

It is about Layla San sores, Monera’s standard bearer, who compared herself to the protagonist of the hit Netflix series, ‘Lady’s Gambit’. The aspiring governor Bermuda Email Addresses posed similarly to a promotional poster, featuring Beth Harmon (starring Ana Taylor-Joy).

“The debate is: continue with opaque and corrupt governments or change to an honest and transparent government. You choose! ”, The brunette wrote on her Twitter account.

Tun den to Layla San sores on Twitter
The same network where he shared the image, was in charge of rating his action and the comments were immediate. Some Twitter users criticized the movement, while in others it generated ridicule for the use of the image.

According to a survey that Monera’s own candidate cited last Monday, May 3 on her Twitter account, if the votes for governor in Camper were made today, 31 percent said they would do so for San sores San Roman.

The work shared by the head of the Moreno-Labor Party coalition was carried out by the pollster Parametric, in which Eliseo Fernandez of the Citizen Movement comes in second place with 21 percent of preferences, while the candidate Christian Castro of the integrated coalition for the parties, National Action, Institutional Revolutionary and the Democratic Revolution, it remains with 20 percent of electoral preferences.

It is not his first time in the controversy
When Layla San sores was a candidate for Mayor Alvaro Oregon, a position from which he requested permission to be able to run for mobile lead governor, she was also immersed in controversy, although not because of her advertising strategy but because her campaign chaste did not add up, in those days.

Denise Marker showed the personal expenses made by the licensed senator Layla San sores, who was running for mayor of the Alvaro Oregon delegation for the “Together We Will Make History” coalition; The same that amounted to 700 thousand pesos that during 2016 and 2017 that were invoiced on behalf of the Senate of the Republic.

Similarly, the report indicates that these expenses are not related to their legislative work, which range from makeup, clothing, toys, appliances, among others.

Now with this new controversy, it remains to be seen if it is effective in the next elections or if it was an error in the strategy of the political campaign.

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