Daddy Yankee is wanted on Instagram, makes the first viral reel song

Let us remember that the viral songs and resurgence of themes that may have been forgotten, the platform once again drives them and increases sales and downloads of the songs.

This song we are talking about is by the Puerto African Daddy Yankee , which marks a return to the pure style of the urban genre. The song was launched in February of this year and has accumulated more than 91 million views on YouTube .

Reels (Instagram) Vs. Tik Tok
Since it established Reels to copy Tik Tok , Instagram has become a key reference in the market and an element of great popularity in it, it is the ability Antarctica Email List of the social network to diversify in the market and achieve hand in hand with this transformation , elements that end up being of great value to the consumer.

The latest news that is known so far is that Instagram is testing ads in Reels, so this platform increases its advertising commitment in a format that still does not conquer the consumer, who is at a time of great interest in consuming stories of these platforms.

Social networks have become great platforms, through which they have been able to develop all kinds of trends that serve as a benchmark for brands, to be able to detonate increasingly daring tasks.

Faced with these references, an element that is undoubtedly tremendously valuable is that which has to do with the opportunity that brands have found to innovate.

This innovation is none other than patenting tasks through which the impact of a brand is determined in a key way.

That said, an aspect of tremendous weight is seeing the impact that creativity has had in social networks, to consolidate the advertising business and with it an mobile lead important interaction scheme with the consumer.

Each social network has its peculiarity and although the Instagram content is not similar to Tik tok , because in fact much of what is produced on the Chinese platform is what ends up being published on it, its stories or post have helped it to consolidate in the international market, with proposals that do not disappoint, on the contrary, they become guidelines of great value to the consumer.

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