Delve into wonderful worlds with these 5 literature podcasts

Jorge Luis Borges already said it: “ The verb to read, like the verb to love and the verb to dream does not support ‘ the imperative mood. There are two types of people: those who read out of obligation because literature continues to be one of the foundations of our educational system and those who love to read. Saudi Arabia Email Database I am part of the second group. Those of us who grew up with a passion for written stories will never stop navigating the words of others that take us to worlds never explored.

In fact, out of fear that my daughters did not feel that love for literature, I sat with them, since they were born, every night on the sofa reading them a story. It seems that I have achieved my mission since one of the first words of both was “book”. Then we each decided where to travel if you prefer the novels of heart, terror, l or s poems, short stories or biographies. But there is no doubt that literature has endless benefits. It helps us to escape and find tranquility,

Enjoy the best works of any genre, even if you don’t have time to read. The audiobook or podcast format is a wonderful alternative to enjoy literature while you are doing housework, walking, or driving. For this reason, we present for all those book lovers who have felt identified, this selection of literature podcasts that we can already listen to on the Movistar Home device thanks to the integration of iVoox podcasts.

Discover the 5 most listened to literature podcasts

Delve into wonderful worlds with these 5 literature podcasts

If you have liked what you have read so far, do not miss our selection of the literature podcasts that listeners like the most and decide what you are going to read this summer in the long hours of the afternoon in the sun by the pool or beach. At the same time, you can discover new works such as the 100 Incredible Stories of Women or learn more about science fiction writers silenced for decades. If you like a more feminine and feminist approach to reading, this space offers you this and much more. So get on the Traveling Library

Cafe Bookstore
Do you know what Booktube is? Do you want to know how to write your own novel in 90 days or would you just like to keep up to date with new publications and literary recommendations? Then this podcast is for you!

Café Librería is a space created by Carla Plumed and writer David Pierre where they give voice to independent publishers and authors and read some outstanding works. They talk about humor in literature, Victorian thieves, desktop publishing and self-publishing, and how to grow as a writer. If you love books and want to know the works of their creators, put on your headphones and hit play! If what you feel for books is passion, this literature podcast may be your new home. Here you can discover everything about the different jobs within the literary world such as editors, literary translators, illustrators, booksellers, and of course, writers. All in interview format.

How to listen to literature podcasts in Movistar Home

Movistar Home  is the device of the home ecosystem that offers you to enjoy entertainment in an even easier way. With it, you can configure daily routines,  make calls and video calls to another Movistar Home  or  access your favorite literature podcasts.   If you have loved the approach of one of our podcasts in particular, and want to listen to it directly, just say “ OK Aura, put the podcast  ’ La Milana Bonita ‘”. The last episode broadcast will be played back to you.

With this device, you can access the inbox literature podcasts  in a simple and comfortable way. You have the option to open them by touch, but it is also possible to control the device with your voice since it has Aura, Movistar’s virtual assistant, integrated  . Just say “ OK Aura, go-to podcast, ” and a carousel will open with a selection of the most listened to podcasts. If you want to listen to another, you have the option to view all of them and navigate through them saying  “OK Aura, go to episodes. ” In addition, you can always pause or resume playback when it suits you best by touch.

And now, you have the ability to configure the shortcut menu and include the ” Continue listening ” section. This way you will pick up your literature podcasts directly where you left them. The Movistar Home device offers more and more entertainment and management functionalities of Movistar services. Discover them  here to get the most out of it. What are you waiting for? mobile lead Let yourself be taken to unknown places with the words of the great writers of all times with Movistar Home.

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