Evolution of medicine: a path supported by knowledge, technology and innovation

The evolution of medicine has a long history with procedures performed since times as old as the Paleolithic. In prehistoric times, medicine was immersed in magical rituals, where shamans and similar figures used preparations based on plants, animals, and minerals.

In the history of medicine, the Egyptians recorded an extensive study of diseases and treatments, dating back to 3,000 BC Doctors in the service of the pharaohs and their instruments, have been reflected in tombs and temples.

The so-called medical papyri (2040-1795 BC) include Egyptian diagnoses, treatments, and medications. The Ebers papyrus stands out in this period for its details of recipes, San Marino Email List ointments, and instructions for treatments. Next, we will learn how the historical evolution of medicine was enriched by the research of great philosophers.

Greece and Hippocratic Thought in the Evolution of Medicine

Evolution of medicine: a path supported by knowledge, technology and innovation

An important medical school flourished in Alexandria with exponents such as Herófilo, Erasístrato, and Galen. These philosophers, among others, helped develop the scientific, philosophical, and Hippocratic orientation of medicine.

Herophilus of Chalcedon ( 335-280 BC ) developed the first complete work on the anatomy and connections of the nervous system. Erasistratus of Ceos ( 304-250 BC ) conducted studies on the brain, blood vessels, and nerves.

Elio Galen or Galen of Pergamum ( 128-200 ), studied medicine with followers of Hippocrates and was a physician to several Roman emperors. He was a talented anatomist and also influenced the definition of ethical aspects of medicine with his treatises (Campohermoso, 2016).

Socrates and the Ethics of Medicine
Socrates the Greek (470 BC) has gone down in history as one of the most important classical philosophers. It stands out for its approaches to ethics and morals in inpatient care.

Socrates carried out studies regarding the functioning of the mind and the understanding of the world. From his practices derive the maieutics and the Socratic method, still in use. Also studies on the psyche, the development of the inductive method, and constructivism, among other areas.

The list of figures who contributed to the evolution of medicine since ancient times and the Middle Ages is much broader, for now, let’s move further towards the present.

Evolution of medicine: current advances in this field

The combination of medicine and technology is inseparable, creating new approaches or improving existing ones. Therefore, the evolution of medicine will continue to amaze us, improving our life expectancies. The main medical advances reviewed by Science magazine in its 2020 Breakthrough of the Year point towards Cell editing with CRISPR genome scissors applied to cancer treatment.
Design of new proteins, including to neutralize SARS-CoV-2.

Development of drugs to prevent HIV infection, without the need for antiretroviral therapies.
Telecommunications technologies, big data analysis, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things support medical practice, expanding the scope of telemedicine, as is the case with Movistar Salud.

The pandemic accelerated the application of existing technologies and innovation and the adaptation of online healthcare approaches, in order to serve millions of people safe from contagion in their homes. An example of this is telemedicine. At the same time, we have seen how the development of vaccines accelerated, seeking solutions to slow the advance of the pandemic or reduce its effects.

Technology once again shows its contributions to the evolution of medicine, responding with innovations such as:

The adenovirus or messenger RNA- based vaccines.
Development of mobile applications for epidemiological analysis, prevention, and identification of infected.
Biomedical and personal protection equipment. mobile lead
Equipment and robotics applied to disinfection.

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