Facebook is one of the most relevant brands in the social media market, due to the trust that digital users have found in this platform. Facebook is one of the most relevant brands in the social media market, due to the trust that digital users have found in this platform. Facebook recorded advertising revenue of up to 55 billion dollars during 2018, according to figures reported by the platform itself. Advertising is the only income that social Poland Mobile Database networks depend on, so a figure that speaks of the failure of their results is an insight that should alert the business of these networks. Marketers should think twice before investing in advertising within Facebook, one of the key platforms in the history of social media.
In 2019, it is estimated that investment in advertising within social networks will reach 91 billion dollars, a figure that tells us about the tremendous investment cycle in which brands have fallen. The confidence that they seemed to have in advertising within these networks became inertia, which forces companies to advertise within these platforms, as they do with digital or similar. However, while the big ad groups have dedicated themselves to emptying their portfolios in guidelines within Facebook, small businesses are sure that their ads within the social network are not working. This has been realized by 62 percent of small businesses surveyed by Weebly, a platform specialized in creating web pages. According to the platform, the businesses surveyed said that they no longer see a reach in their targets through Facebook ads and it is wrong that they do not obtain resultsĀ Since 72 percent of those who invest within the social network do so with the false idea that they will achieve awareness. Much has Brother Cell Phone List been said about the eventual downfall of Facebook, due to the erosion of its brand and it is clear that something will happen. The platform justified on Twitter that it was a problem with its server that caused the fall of the social network, however, it has not argued why its ads are failing. The changes in its algorithm were never well-received, in fact, they caused a disaster in the distribution of the news, so now we only have to wait for the announcement of new adjustments designed to respond to what is evident: Facebook is losing its way and it may even fall off a cliff.