How to create a marketing strategy with micro influencers



As traditional marketing efforts take a back seat, influencer marketing has emerged as one of the great alternatives to convince and persuade audiences to consume branded products or services.

With this phenomenon at your fingertips, Australian Email list do you know how to deal with it with a good strategy so that it gives you the expected results? If the answer is yes, this post is for you!

About 10 years ago, celebrities were our influencers . Famous models, athletes, and entertainers flooded billboards and television and radio advertisements. And although we can still see them on these channels, their level of relevance and exclusivity has decreased.

When blogs became more frequent and social networks began to be more and more relevant in people’s daily lives, the prototype of the influencer was changing and evolving to be what it is today .

Influencers are ordinary people who have the power to create loyal and engaged communities .

So, in this article I am going to tell you what micro influencers are, their advantages and why they are so effective in a strategy . In addition, we will solve together once and for all what is the difference between influencers and micro influencers, and how to create your strategy after finding the ideal influencer for your brand. Are you coming?

How to create a marketing strategy with micro influencers

What is the difference between micro influencer?

Micro influencers have an audience of between 10,000 and 100,000 followers . They have a loyal following, albeit smaller, but they don’t affect the influence they have. In fact, as they have fewer followers, this means that they have a more followed and closer interaction with them in their day-to-day lives.

They usually focus on a very specific market niche such as nutrition,

beauty, fashion or exercise, among others, which is much more useful when you want to sell something. Mega influencers have an audience of more than 100,000 followers and can reach the millions . They are known to many and considered celebrities. Compared to micro influencers,

What are the advantages of using micro influencers

  1. Greater engagement : Although micro influencers do not have as many followers as their counterparts, mobilelead  they do tend to achieve much higher engagement rates.
  2. Cheaper : Since most are relatively ordinary people, engaging in social media, recording videos, or blogging as a hobby, brands can generally work with them for much less cost. In some cases, brands simply work with them for the cost of a few free samples.
  3. Greater segmentation : One of the key characteristics is that they are recognized by their followers for their knowledge and influence in a particular niche. Brands that work with micro influencers have the opportunity to specifically target their potential customers. They can easily choose one whose followers have a specific combination of gender, age, income, and interests.

How to create a marketing strategy with micro influencers?

Once you have established these objectives, it is time to look for micro influencers that fit your line of business and potential client . I recommend creating a table with the name, description, social media accounts, contact information, number of likes and

When you start your research, it is important to consider a few things:

  • Niche : What market niche are you focusing on? What kinds of topics do they cover and what do they talk about the most? What is your area of ​​expertise?
  • Engagement vs. Followers : While the number of followers is important, it is much more important to look at the commitment they have to their community. Check their social networks to see how often they post,
  • how many people interact with them, and the responses from them. The more they participate and the more genuine the engagement, the better.
  • Audience : what kind of people are part of your community? Do they meet the characteristics of your potential client? Is your community in the same geographic location where you are operating (as long as it applies)?
    For example , if you were to use a micro influencer to promote an organic product for children, it would not make much sense if you used one that talks about nutrition and whose audience was for adults. Even though they could cover the same topics, they are targeting a very different audience. You should take a good look at the topics they usually cover.
  • and the niche they are in to make sure you have a very similar target audience.
  • s aggressive and more subtle way of promoting the brand.

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