Have you ever heard the term covada or couvade syndrome ? The term ” couvade ” was used for the first time by the anthropologist EB Tylor and made reference to the rituals or behaviors of future parents in certain tribes or cultures of India, South America or even the Basque Country. In Papua New Guinea, for example, the father built a hut outside the village to imitate the work of his wife while she was giving birth. In other cultures, parents had to maintain the same diet or not manipulate certain tools during their wife’s pregnancy.
But today this term refers to what some new parents experience during their partner’s pregnancy. They usually have symptoms similar to those of women, such as abdominal pain, weight gain, vomiting and nausea etc. Although it is not very common, it is common that during pregnancy all parties suffer certain fears and stress related to uncertainties about the well-being of the baby and their future as parents. Because there are always two parents, and therefore, everyone must know how to take care of their future baby.
Therefore, Haiti Email List you need information about how to exercise your body during pregnancy, what you can eat and how to overcome the fears that arise during these months . If you do not want to go looking for information in different media, and you prefer to have it all in the same trustworthy site, bet on Baby2Body . Baby2Body is one of Telefónica’s partners, which offers its contents in the Movistar Campus Living App , as a guided exercise for all trimesters of pregnancy, meditation, as well as pre and postpartum preparation.
What content Baby2Body offers you in its mobile app
Everyone knows that to be healthy, you have to exercise. Above all, in pregnancy it is essential not to gain excess weight and prepare the body for childbirth. However, for pregnant women it is not so simple because not all sports are suitable for them. Each era has its characteristics and it is important to take them into account. All contents are in English.
But there it does not end. Apart from the videos with guided exercises, they offer much more for a healthy and happy pregnancy. For example, with meditation and emotional wellness tips. Because right in a time of crazy hormones, it is important to work on a positive focus and calmness.
Many of you will know that you cannot eat everything during pregnancy. If the cheese has listeriosis, if the Serrano ham can transmit toxoplasmosis, if the large fish have too much mercury .
If it contains raw egg, no, if it is not pasteurized. For this reason, Baby2Body also offers you rich and nutritious recipes to enjoy delicious meals suitable for pregnant women
Enjoy Baby2Body on the big screen of your television
Simply enter the ” Apps ” section on the left side of the Movistar + main menu and navigate with your Movistar remote control through the available digital experiences . In the “Education and culture” section you will find the Movistar Campus Living App , which offers you, among many other training content, some of the videos with the most popular Baby2Body exercises .
If, in addition, you have any of the Home devices , you can also access the educational content of Movistar Campus with your voice thanks to the integration of Aura, mobile lead Movistar’s virtual assistant . Customers who have the Movistar Home device at home, just have to say ” OK Aura, open Movistar Campus “. If you have the Movistar + Voice Command , just press the Aura button and say “ Open Movistar Campus ”. So take advantage of that wonderful time to take care of yourself!