Inbound marketing: stages and methodology

id this post we propose to address in depth a basic and fundamental issue , without which it is not possible to fully understand the methodology of inbound marketing:  what are its stages? Let’s see them!

To get into context, in this article we will review what inbound marketing consists of  and then we will describe its different stages and we will see how we should work them, taking into account the interrelationship of each of them , since it is not about of separate or independent entities.

In short, the stages of inbound marketing are the different stages that a user goes through . To successfully apply this methodology,  Australian Email Address it is essential to implement a series of actions at each stage in the appropriate way so that the client goes naturally (and always accompanied by us) through the different

Introduction to inbound marketing

The inbound marketing is a marketing technique online without more,

it is a very comprehensive strategy composed of multiple actions , ranging from content marketing to SEO or promotion on social networks, whose objective is, by  non-invasive methods , attract customers and accompany them until the completion of the transaction: usually the purchase of a product or service.

The characteristic and differential element of inbound marketing with respect to the more traditional strategies (known as outbound) is the use of “pull” marketing techniques , in order for the user to approach us in search of valuable information. to solve your concern or problem, or satisfy your need. Therefore, it is not an aggressive or annoying method for the recipient, hence there is even talk of a new work philosophy, known as love marketing .

Inbound marketing is a long-term strategy , which ranges from a first contact with a user who is initially anonymous to his conversion into a customer with a name and surname and, above all, an email address, to be able to accompany him, prepare him and mature him throughout the buying process.

Each of them represents a different phase of the purchase process . These stages begin with the most generic, which is the capture of a visit to the website.

The great value of inbound marketing is its great ability to interact in a personalized way with each lead , with the aim of accompanying him until the end of the purchase process and, if possible, continue in contact with him to retain him and turn him into a prescriber or ambassador. of our brand.

Next, we go on to detail each of the stages :

1. Attract

In this first stage of Attract  , what we want is to attract traffic  to our website or blog ,

How do you attract these visitors? Basically through the generation of content of interest to our potential client , its publication in a blog and subsequent virilization on social networks, and for this it is essential to implement organic positioning techniques (SEO), with a focus on words key (keywords) that interest us the most.

2. Convert

In the onvert phase,  what we are looking for is the capture and generation of  . That is to say, that moment in which the visits that we have captured become records and, consequently, we have their data in our database (BBDD).

The aspects that we must work on to achieve the best conversion rate of anonymous users into

potential clients with personal data that they can be tracked on are: forms, CTAs and landing pages.

What is the inbound marketing

The MQL are those leads that are within the intermediate or phase  Mofu (Middle of The Funnel) of the sales cycle because h n repeatedly shown interest in our content.

In this phase mobilelead of inbound marketing, the use of specific marketing automation software is essential to be able to carry out

In this third stage, two fundamental tools come into play:

  1. Marketing automation software . It allows us to quickly and efficiently manage our database,  manage the entire process of generating leads and, especially, it allows us to easily create complex systems for their maturation. It is a CRM (Creation Relationship Management) system  from which to  plan and implement our entire inbound strategy , allowing a total interrelation with our database. Some of these platforms are: HubSpot,  Pardot or Eloqua. 
  2. The emails – Lead Nurturing . By sending a personalized chain of emails , depending on their status within the sales cycle, to the different leads in our database , we accompany them throughout the purchase process.
  3. progressively and based on a strategy with: article recommendations, downloadable content and,
  4. as soon as it is ripe for purchase, a concrete commercial offer.  . And, of course, with an issue that attracts attention and encourages them to open . Lead nurturing is, therefore, an automated marketing technique aimed.
  5. at educating and maturing leads to achieve the purchase of a product or service.

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