Mobile First Index: Google’s new change. How does it affect you?


Google has made changes again. For a few months there was already talk of the Mobile First Index , Austria Email list although now, this modification is already a reality .

But what is behind the Mobile First Index? Find out what this change in Google is like and how it will affect the indexing of the pages and, therefore,  the positioning and organic traffic they receive. Keep reading!

With the Mobile First Index, the Google bot will crawl the webs as if the navigation were carried out by a user from a mobile device . The reason for this I have commented previously: the adaptation to the consumption habits of the users.

Currently, 80% access the internet thanks to a telephone and,  more than 50% perform quick searches in a search engine through this device. In addition,  according to a study by Chartbeat , since January 2017 total mobile traffic has increased by 34%,  while that received from the computer has decreased by 14%. With all this new change,  Google remains faithful to its purpose of giving the best response to its users and this, today, is to get the best access to information from the mobile. Keep it in mind!

Mobile First Index: Google's new change. How does it affect you

What is the Mobile First Index?

The Mobile First Index is the new change that Google has launched .mobilelead This change refers to how the search engine indexes the pages .

According to this new rule that the internet giant has added,

This totally changes the rules of the game again,  as Google is changing the way it indexes sites as users change their search behavior. Before explaining what this new change consists of and how it will affect you,  we must make a paragraph to delve a little into the term that concerns us throughout the post: indexing. Do you know him?

A page is said to be indexed when it appears in search results,

For this to happen,  one of its bots, the best known being Googlebot, goes through your page,  crawls it and adds it to this index.

As I have told you, a bot goes through your website to track it and, until now,  Google tracked web pages simulating the navigation of a user as if he were browsing from a computer (desktop version),  considering the mobile version as an alternative. If the website in mobile and desktop version was very different,  this could pose a problem for users who search through mobile. Now, with this update, which

How does the Mobile First Index work?

There are many doubts surrounding this recent update,  and one of the most common is whether Google will leave aside.  the pages with the desktop version.

Faced with this, the first thing to mention is that if your website is not responsive,  this update will not affect you so much, since Google has long penalized websites that do not adapt perfectly to all devices. But if this is not your case, what follows interests you!

The Google robot will not work exclusively with the mobile versions of the pages and forgets the desktop versions.

because if a web page does not have a mobile-friendly version of its web,  Google will track the desktop version (which is now the one it will consider as an alternative) and it may still be included in the Google index, something that used to be the other way around. That is, only the priorities of the Google robot change.

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