Results of Inbound Marketing 2021 in the Insurance Sector

The data for this particular year is extremely important because it reflects how insurers managed to improve their customer acquisition levels with inbound marketing, despite having been Wallis and Futuna Islands Email List at the same time trying to overcome various obstacles generated by the pandemic in various areas , such as, for example, the change in claims, the valuation of reserves, the appreciation of the rating agencies, the lack of payment capacity of the insured, among others.

In this context of the new normal, EIM21 has shown that inbound marketing strategies can help companies in the insurance sec

Therefore, downloading and knowing in detail the results of the Inbound Marketing Study 2021 is something that will allow insurers to discover what kind of benefits they can obtain when implementing inbound marketing strategies

And it is that inbound marketing is a strategy that is constantly evolving, so in Inbound Cycle we permanently study all its advances and range of possibilities in order to develop increasingly better techniques, tactics and methodologies.

Analysis methodology of the Inbound Marketing Study 2021

Después de que las empresas aseguradoras de la mano con InboundCycle implementaran técnicas de lead scoring y lead nurturing, estas lograron multiplicar por 1,72 la conversión de leads a MQL en año y medio de sus proyectos inbound. Así lo puedes ver en el siguiente gráfico

It is important to note that all the results presented in the Inbound Marketing Study 2021 were obtained not only through conventional inbound marketing strategies, but also thanks to the application of certain methodologies designed exclusively by


It is important to note that all the results presented in the Inbound Marketing Study 2021 were obtained not only through conventional inbound marketing strategies, but also thanks to the application of certain methodologies designed exclusively by

And it is that inbound marketing is a strategy that is constantly evolving, so in InboundCycle we permanently study all its advances and range of possibilities in order to develop increasingly better techniques, tactics and methodologies

Results of inbound marketing applied to companies in the insurance sector

Next, we will show you the results obtained by insurance companies in terms of attracting visits capturing records and conversion to MQL  when implementing inbound marketing strategies combined with methodologies specially designed by InboundCycle

In the segments for mobile lead capturing visits and registrations, you will see that we first explain the total results and then the organic ones , while in the segment on converting leads to MQL you will see only the total results. We explain:

  • The totals are the sum of the results obtained through organic channels, payment channels, social networks, referrals, direct, among others.
  • The organic are only those results obtained through organic channels, mainly by  of the contents of the blogs.

Results of attracting visits in insurance companies

The total traffic capture that companies in the insurance sector managed to have went from being more than 430,000 visits in the first semester to more than 850,000 in the fourth semester . This means that, as you will see in the following graph, the traffic generation multiplied by 2 in just two years.

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