Currently, in the era of social networks, the image of a firm begins with the CEO not as an administrative entity but in his attitudes as a person. Currently, in the era of social networks, the image of a firm begins with the CEO (general director) not as an administrative entity but in his attitude as a person. And it is that, ideally, the figure of the head of a company Bangladesh Mobile Database should represent values, principles, behaviors as well as actions that the company will manifest over time, from within and with its business conduct and its products or services. One of the most important factors that the managers of a company must master is associated with emotional intelligence; that is to say, that they possess self-control, that they are empathetic,
That they show management of social skills that also know how to exercise willpower to control their instinctive emotional behaviors. Advantages or disadvantages of using social networks. The Financial Times indicates that CEOs had already found various ways to get into trouble before the advent of the internet; however, social media Brother Cell Phone List has expanded the number of ways and speed with which mistakes, errors, exaggerations, and lies can be exposed. The media exemplifies the above with what happened with Elon Musk last year and his statement through Twitter that he had “secured funds” for the purchase of Tesla, which caused instant controversy. As a result of the above, Musk continues to be the executive director but had to resign as president, in addition to continuing in a dispute against the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States.
For his part, Volkswagen CEO Hebert Diess used the phrase “ Edith Macht Frei ” (Profits will set you free), evoking the slogan “ Arbeit Macht Frei ” (Work will free you) from the Auschwitz concentration camp. Despite his effusive apologies, Diess’s position remains at risk. Meanwhile, the former executive of Uber, Travis Kalanick, was forced to leave office after a series of scandals toxic organizational culture. While each era has had its atypical cases, reports the Financial Times, from the talkative CEOs of the 1960s, in the same way, that there are currently taciturn bosses. Nor can it be denied that a certain domain of communications is part of the CEO job description, yet it is unrealistic to expect all leaders to be experts in every form of public engagement.