Special Library

Geographical indications (GIs) protect products that originate from a specific region and have unique characteristics due to their geographical origin. For example, Champagne is a GI that protects sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France.

Semiconductor Chip Masks Special Library

Semiconductor chip masks are used in the manufacturing of semiconductor chips. They are protected by a specialized type of intellectual property called semiconductor chip mask works. These works protect the design of the mask, which determines the pattern of the semiconductor chip.

Plant Variety Rights

Plant variety rights protect new and Special Data distinct plant varieties. They grant the breeder exclusive rights to produce, sell, and use the plant variety. This encourages innovation in agriculture and plant breeding.

product or service


Trade dress refers to the overall Buy Whatsapp Number Database appearance of a, including its packaging, design, and marketing materials. Trade dress can be protected if it is.  Distinctive and associated with a particular product or service.

Database Rights Special Library

Database rights protect collections of . Data that Mobile Database are arranged in a systematic or methodical way. These rights grant the creator exclusive rights to extract . Reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use the database.

 Sui Generis Rights

Sui generis rights are a category of intellectual property that protect certain types of works that do not fit neatly into the traditional categories of patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets. Examples of sui generis rights include plant variety rights and semiconductor chip mask works.Do you need to process payments from customers in different countries? Integration with other system.  Does the payment processor integrate.  Seamlessly with your existing systems, such as your e-commerce platform or accounting software?

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