The technology sector is possibly one of the ones that has experienced the most changes in recent years. Not only that, changes and growth. Technology permeates everything, in a way that the entire economy needs it and benefits from technological profiles such as systems administrators or software developers. What are the most demanded technological jobs in our country?
Knowing how the job market is is a way to find out what your next step in your professional career may be . Maybe you are looking for a job or want to change your profession.
Fundación Telefónica has carried out an analysis in the form of an Employment Map so that you can get an idea, in an interactive way, Indonesia Email Lists of what the job offer is in Spain . Specifically, in the technology sector
How to enter the technology sector?
Within the technology sector, there are more technical profiles and others that are broader. Whatever profile you are interested in, you can access one of those most demanded jobs with the help of the appropriate training . And it is that for years, the training never ends throughout the professional career.
Projects such as Conecta Empleo from Fundación Telefónica have precisely the objective of helping anyone to recycle professionally . You will also find online courses and training on the Miríadax platform .
You can even find out which job is right for you with the help of the Virtual Career Coach . mobilelead By answering a few simple questions, this orientation tool will give you some guidelines and will indicate which technological professions best fit your profile. It will only take a few minutes to straighten out your future job..