These Photos of Lopez-Ga Tell Jeopardize Much More Than His Brand Reputation

A few hours ago, a photograph of the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Brand Reputation Hugo Lopez-Ga tell, went viral on social networks.

The issue is a trend because it seems that the official is breaking the healthy distance with a woman who accompanies him, Brand Reputation apparently in a restaurant located in the Rom neighborhood of Mexico City, according to the platforms.

The place would be Pinocchio Porno and the images show Lopez-Ga tell allegedly not complying with the recommendations that he has given to the Spain Email List public in recent months to avoid contagion, apparently next to his partner, kissing and holding hands and face.

As always happens on platforms, the critics reached the first impression, making the topic a trend in the face of so many publications about it.

The diverse reactions come from those who criticized Lopez-Ga tell for saying one thing and doing another, by not respecting prevention measures, since he has recommended the use of face masks, not touching his face of him and staying at a healthy distance of at least 1.5 meters.

In Mexico there are 83 thousand 507 deaths until this Friday, 411 more than those announced yesterday by the Ministry of Health. Nationally, 73 percent of general hospital beds are available and 27 percent occupied. In beds with fans, 76 percent are available and 24 percent are occupied. In the world there are more than 36 million 724 thousand confirmed cases of the disease, while deaths exceed one million, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Also, for those who defend him, ensuring that he has already done enough to report during the pandemic and has the right to find love.

Finally, for those who are sad because apparently the official was the love of their life and not exactly as they imagined it, who expressed their emotions with memes and reactions.

However, they are rumors, it is not a fact that the official who allegedly appears in the photos, has been captured currently, but that they could be images prior to the pandemic, although in social networks they have decided that it is current and that it breaks the healthy distance to which millions have been submitted for his recommendations, so they regret having listened to him.

In addition to this, the interpretations leave aside that the official has not said that you cannot go to a restaurant with your family or partner, but that everyone who lives in the same house must take care of themselves and maintain a healthy distance from others and prioritize prevention measures.

But the procedure in restaurants is to enter with a mask or mask and once at the table, you must remove the mask to eat, for some it is not obvious that you cannot eat without a mask. In addition to this, the place is outdoors.

This is the worst of the images, that not only the brand reputation of Hugo Lopez-Ga tell is at stake, nor the reputation of the Ministry of Health, as its representative, but this goes further.

Without checking if they are current photos, those who do not have a reason beyond the first impression, could be influenced by the belief that the mobile lead activities can already be done as before and even that the virus does not exist, as the controversy says Patricia David , and that it is an invention of the Government.

This, beyond appearing laughable, is a serious issue because it means neglect among citizens and a greater risk of contagion in Mexico, further extending the confinement that thousands complain about so much.

There is no official version because the undersecretary does not usually talk about his private life and he should not, since what should be talked about is his work at the head of the National Plan.

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