Tips to retain your customers in the post pandemic

It is no surprise to anyone that now that confinement is over, in what many consider to be the post-pandemic – although the virus is still in force and threatens a new wave – consumption habits and the relationship with customers have changed considerably, now buyers Potentials pay greater attention to where, when and how they acquire their goods or satisfy their needs, so forgetting the dynamics that existed before the corona virus is essential to be able to rethink how behavior will be from now on and above all, customer loyalty in the face of to the new normal.

Faced with this scenario, six out of 10 consumers admit that they are not loyal to a single brand but rather alternate different options among their favorites, that is, loyalty is shared among several competitors, as explained by the II Relationship Marketing Study prepared by Media post. The quality / price ratio leads the Western Sahara Email List reasons for loyalty, but sustainability is beginning to be one of the most valued factors.

“Consumer loyalty must be rewarded through personalized offers and experiences that generate an emotional connection that is difficult to break,” agree hundreds of specialists who analyze the markets after the pandemic. Confinement measures and the temporary closure of physical spaces have made many companies strengthen their digital channel and despite the fact that the de-escalation brings reopening of physical spaces, they all face the challenge of being able to retain their base and attract new customers in a situation so different from what existed before the corona virus.

Tips to get your customers to be loyal
1. Empathy is key and foundation

In difficult times like these, it is important to contact your consumers from the sincerity and honesty of brand values. Worrying about their situation, even that of those who buy sporadically, will make many of them remember that micro moment in a special way. A fact that will serve to establish emotional bonds and forge stable and lasting relationships over time.

2. Chat bot with measure, the key is to personalize

Customization increases engagement with consumers. According to some studies, it increases revenue and retention by between 10 and 30 percent, key aspects to maximize conversion and create deeper connections with them. We have already talked about the effectiveness of chat bot, but not for that. put aside personal and direct attention.

3. Loyalty programs

Brands aspire to ensure that their consumers are loyal, an objective to which they allocate significant resources. Faced with tough situations such as the corona virus pandemic, it is time to reward the loyalty of these consumers through offers, prizes or discounts that make them feel really special. Remember that although many left or diversify their loyalty, others remain there from the beginning, for them there must be something special.

4. Create community: think big

Millions of people are experiencing similar situations and emotions during the pandemic: home confinements, mobility restrictions or serious health problems. Some of the associated feelings are fear, uncertainty, or hopelessness. It is time to create mobile lead alliances, unite and use local strength to empower something greater. ” Communities are capable of moving tides : strong connection ties are created and the brand-consumer binomial reaches a higher level ,” consider other connoisseurs of the subject.

5. Use advanced technology

Analytics capabilities and data are put at the service of loyalty programs. Each user is different and has different motivations. Technology makes it possible to cover many more fields and simplify the way of interaction with consumers. A high technological capacity enables brands to interact with their consumers more efficiently, improving the connection with them. And above all, do not forget that the main trend for marketers is to go towards the accelerated digitization of their company and therefore their brand.

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