Tips to use Facebook Ads Manager like an expert

Why are Facebook ads necessary for businesses? Despite having several scandals in tow, including the loss of information and the theft of data from millions of users, Facebook still has solid numbers and is still relevant. Especially in a matter of ads. That is, according to figures from the platform, 1 out of every 5 minutes spent on mobile traffic is used on Facebook or Instagram. With more than 2.3 billion users, it was a matter of time before the platform will improve its advertising segment. In fact, in 2018, it had total revenue of $ 55 billion per ad issue. That is a 38 percent increase compared to 2017. Advertising on Facebook is for everything. Even companies that have an investment of just 100 dollars can create an effective campaign to drive traffic or sales Romania Mobile Database on their website. The reason? Mark Zuckerberg’s social network has managed to maintain a user-friendly strategy that not only designates users; also to the commercial sector.”Facebook Ads are easy to do.” “You just have to click here, click the blue button and that’s it. “Segment your community and release it to the public.” Surely you have heard many of these phrases that have made you think that it is easy to develop a campaign on Facebook. However, being successful is much more difficult, especially in 2019. Just like the platform does, Facebook Ads Manager is constantly changing and evolving. The strategies and tactics that worked a few months ago today could be outdated. Although the cost of ads has risen in recent years – at least 77 percent a year, according to Business Insider – they are the most effective way to do a digital marketing strategy.

However, due to the wide variety of configuration options, is it possible for marketers to take advantage of it the wrong way? According to Impact, the digital job analysis platform, there are 8 ways to take advantage of this section: First, you must have a business account to access the Business Manager. In this way, you can access the administration of pages, campaigns, ads (ads), and add payment methods. Facebook Ads Manager is the studio where all the promotion is done. It includes sections such as the configuration of campaigns, modification of formats and investment, segmentation adjustment, and a monitor from which performance can be measured. Once you know what the Ads Manager can do, the creation process begins. Here you select Brother Cell Phone List the objective of the campaign and what is sought from it: awareness, engagement, conversion, etc. Audience selection is key. Knowing how the target of each business conditions a specific way of acting makes this section more important. To do a specific campaign for an audience, it must be done based on the location, age, language, interests, education, and behavior of the followers that each business has. To start with, Facebook recommends an ideal segmentation to reach several users between 1,000-50,000 people. Facebook lets users select the level of investment they want for each campaign. There are two ways to do it: Spending on specific dates (how much will be invested in a longer period of time). Facebook suggests an average daily investment of 20.00 dollars, although the amount can always be adjusted according to the preference (or budget) of the firm.

Another suggestion is to maintain promotion for at least seven days, in this way, the advertisements will have something more than a “normal configuration”, moving away from what the platform suggests. Also, it has to be said that advertisers with smaller budgets can make more efficient use of their spending by testing other types of variables within a campaign, rather than having to split the budget across multiple ads. If you have seen an advertising example on Facebook, then you know that it can be adapted to appear on mobile devices, to use the social network in a desktop news feed, to have a link to Instagram, etc. Each of them has a different potential that should be highlighted:Desktop / Mobile News Feed: Ads can appear in a user’s news feed, which is good for strategies seeking content diversification. However, if this tool is to be used, it must be ensured that the website to which the ad will link is responsive and adaptable for mobile devices since if it is not, there is a risk of not provide a good user experience. Facebook Audience Network: This platform allows advertisers to take Facebook and Instagram campaigns to other websites and apps. Audience Network helps users engage with these ads from other places where they spend time.

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