Missing a promising trend or being late to the party can be detrimental to a firm trying to grow within digital marketing. Trends in digital marketing come and go, so it’s easy to discard those that seem fleeting; However, according to Jeff Bullas’ site, in today’s fast-paced marketing landscape, many of these trends are simply setting the stage for the future. And it is that as technology improves as well as customer demand increases, companies must do everything possible to stay relevant. So missing a promising trend or being late to the party can be detrimental to a firm trying to grow. However, getting sidetracked by every brilliant new tactic that comes along could result in a disorganized and ineffective strategy that leads nowhere. For this reason, below we will present the latest trends in digital marketing and the reasons why marketing teams should pay attention to them.
From the Bullas space, it is indicated that influencer marketing is one of the most powerful tools that a brand can use, not only is it one of the most reliable forms of advertising, but it also generates twice the commitment of typical brand content . Even though the well-known names of influencers these days also demand a big paycheck, but that doesn’t necessarily guarantee high returns for you. In contrast, micro-informants have smaller followers (between 2,000 and 100,000) but their engagement numbers are generally much higher than large accounts. A study indicates that micro-influencers generated almost three times the amount of participation that Belgium Mobile Database accounts for more than 500 thousand followers. The real benefit of micro influence is your authority within a specific niche; In general, they have a specialized theme circuit around which their content revolves, such that their followers have a large investment in what they have to say, and 40 percent of social media users report that they have bought something due to the promotion of an influencer. Live video streaming currently accounts for 66 percent of all internet use, while that number is expected to increase by around 80 percent in a few years.
While many brands have jumped on the live streaming bandwagon due to its incredible engagement results, it is no longer enough to simply hold your smartphone and share your thoughts while the audience watches you. The quality of the video and your message is the most important factor for most viewers, and if the video does not meet their standards, they will most likely stop watching. According to the ON24 webinar benchmarks report, the tactics that drove the highest engagement rates were live question and answer sessions, resource lists, and an integrated social media experience. These interactive features allow people to participate in Brother Cell Phone List in the production by sharing their opinions, asking questions, or even voting during live polls. So including features like these make live video streaming that much more interactive and exciting for viewers, which means better engagement rates and ultimately better conversions. Personalization has become increasingly complex and personalized in recent years. Today, every step in the customer journey can be supported by accurate data sets. However, while the benefits of customization are pretty clear (59 percent of shoppers agree that it includes it in their buying decision), it seems that many brands just aren’t up to the mark just yet.
According to a report from Evergage, more than half of merchants do not believe that your firm offers personalization correctly. Additionally, only a third are confident they have the tools to generate meaningful personalized customer experiences, and only 30 percent of teams are satisfied with their current strategies. The only way, says Bullas ‘blog, that brands can provide the level of personalization that will really affect your customers’ buying decision is to gather essential data points related to the intended action. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data technology can support an accurate personalization strategy by virtually learning what customers want. Companies that have incorporated AI technology into their personalization strategies say they drive 26 percent of their revenue and increase the number of repeat customers by 37 percent. The demand for instant customer support has created exponentially over the last few years, and in today’s market, failure to provide this service could result in lost sales. A shocking 77 percent of customers will not buy something online if the website does not offer a live chat service. When customers engage with a business through live chat, they are 4.5 times more likely to make a purchase and much more likely to become loyal customers. However, even with data like this, less than 10 percent of websites offer this feature.