When everything is going well, it doesn’t matter how something works. Hong Kong Email Address If you have hired fiber optics and you get a high-speed connection , the ins and outs have little interest so that everything goes well. But this changes when something goes wrong . When your connection does not allow you to play online then you wonder if the coverage is adequate , if the router fails or what is the NAT that everyone talks about.
There are many elements that go into making your Internet connection work as it should. Sometimes the problem is with the service you are trying to access. Other times it is the network in general. Others, your provider’s network. It is not frequent but neither is it impossible. In the best of cases, you have connection problems but restarting your Movistar Router solves it.
But sometimes acronyms of technologies or protocols arise that make it possible for you to be reading this article on your smartphone, tablet or computer. When they fail, we get error messages or it just doesn’t load the page or service we want to access. IP addresses, DHCP servers, DNS or NAT servers, the subject at hand
How does NAT influence online games?
One detail to keep in mind is that there are three types of NAT depending on the good connectivity between your computer or game console and the game server: open, moderate and strict . Open Type 1 NAT requires no translation for the connection to work. The most common is NAT Type 2, moderate, which implies that the router ports are open, that our device has a fixed IP or that we have the DMZ function activated. Strict Type 3 NAT offers limited connectivity, so not all functions and services will operate properly. When you are going to play online from a video game console, for example, it is common to find a Type 2 NAT.
The problem is that NAT does not always achieve its purpose . The consequence is that we can see on the screen a message like “Unable to Connect to the Other console (s). NAT traversal process has failed ”. In Spanish, it would say, “You cannot connect to the other console (s). The NAT crossover process has failed
We said that NAT brings equipment and devices of different types into contact. Or rather, it translates different protocols so that the connection is transparent and immediate . And this is important if we play online because we are accessing services that are different from each other.
From accessing the online game server to logging in with your user to the game creator’s platform. From playing Spotify music while you play to talking with other players through voice chat, which uses its own protocol independent of the game itself. Not to mention the stores where you can buy the games in digital format
What is the solution to NAT problems?
Now that we know what NAT is. Depending on the type of problem we have with NAT, the solution is in our hands or in those of the person with whom we want to play. However, as a general rule, we have certain practices available to us to improve our connection.
The main solution is to open the ports used by gaming devices. This is common on video game consoles . If you play with PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One or Xbox One Series X or Series S, opening the ports will achieve a Type 2 NAT with which to play online without problems.
With the help of the Alejandra Portal you will be able to open the ports of your Movistar Router in seconds and with relative ease. You will find more information in this article .
Another possibility is to assign a fixed IP to the game console . In the Alejandra Portal you can also carry out this management. And in more drastic cases, using a DMZ may solve your NAT problems. However, there are certain precautions to be taken into account, mobile lead as we saw in this article about DMZ .