Why do DTC strategies regain strength in post-lock down?

Tie a paradigm that shows a new buyer more focused and concerned about economic resources in a post-confinement time, but still immersed in the corona virus pandemic, it is important not to lose sight of the strategies that will allow us to get closer to customers potential or consumers. For this, a trend that is not of recent creation that is regaining strength due to the panorama left by a new paradigm are the Direct to Customer or DTC strategies for its acronym in English.

As the name implies, the (DTC) model allows brands to launch products direct to the consumer. This rethinks traditional large-scale production models that required a great effort to enter the market, through traditional retail or wholesale Bhutan Email List channels, or platforms such as marketplaces. For many retailers this is a work area to attract new customers and keep current ones.

When the sale occurs through a distributor, the brand does not have control of how the sale is made and they depend on the distributor so that the customer leaves the store happy. If the sale is made directly, the brand controls the process and can verify and control the user experience to fit its strategies and plans.

Improve your DTC strategies
DTC, from its acronym in English, Direct To Consumer or Di recto al Consumerism in Spanish is a new term coined by retailers in their growing interest to go directly to the consumer avoiding intermediaries. Nike, for example, is investing in this segment and expects to double its turnover in it by 250 percent in the next 5 years, reaching 16,000 million dollars in 2020 when in 2015 it was 6,600 million.

But not only Nike is following this strategy but other retailers are opening their own physical stores. Even in the automotive sector we have the case of Tesla that does not use the traditional model of the dealerships but has a pure DTC strategy. Let’s see why DTC (Direct To Consumer) is becoming an important channel.

Therefore, improving your strategies is essential, for this you can:

Think reverse marketing

It is not understood as an economic investment but marketing ‘backwards’, traditional strategies dictate that marketing strategies must start from one to many and launch as wide a network as possible to captivate consumers or potential customers. On the other hand, in a DTC strategy the approach is opposite. They are less interested in launching the widest possible network. Instead, they want to launch the smartest grid. They effectively flip mobile lead the marketing funnel and start with retention as part of their awareness strategy. From the outset, they employ content tactics with retention in mind, as they understand that their long-term success depends on the lifetime value that occurs when consumers feel engaged in a more individualized, brand-to-consumer relationship.

Segment your social networks

Each one with its each one, social networks do not work in the same way and analyzing where your target audience is is essential to bring your strategies to fruition. Direct brands are adept at employing methods and ideas that may not be new on their own, but when used differently online they become innovative, especially when compared to established brand tactics. Driven largely by promotion on social media, direct brands typically launch on mobile devices, starting with a keen eye on the platforms that will best reach their target consumers.

In the future, hyper-rationalization is one of the most supported trends and DTC strategies are positioned as the favorites to approach an increasingly cautious consumer in this post-lock down time.


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